The World is Yearning for Feminine Character: A WFWP Austria, Slovakia, and Hungary joint conference

Written by: Katsuyo Bendzsa

On May 21, 2024, nearly 60 women from Austria, Hungary and Slovakia gathered in Budapest for a conference titled “The World is Yearning for Feminine Character.” 

Despite the rainy start to the day, the rain soon stopped, and the participants were warmly welcomed by Hungarian colleagues at various train stations. This gathering marked the third occasion of a friendship meeting among these neighboring countries, and the event kicked off with a tasty lunch before the conference officially began.

The conference drew an audience of around 100 women and men. The event started with welcoming remarks from Mrs. Katsuyo Bendzsa, President of WFWP Hungary, followed by greetings from Mrs. Mitty Tohma, President of WFWP Europe. Mrs. Tohma shared her appreciation for the efforts made to organize such a conference and highlighted European WFWP events, such as the conference in Kosovo titled “No Peace without Women,” and the European annual conference in Cyprus.

Mrs. Renate Amesbauer, President of WFWP Austria, expressed her gratitude for the warm welcome in Budapest and provided an overview of WFWP activities at the UN in Vienna. She emphasized the increasing opportunities to interact with representatives of other NGOs and government officials.

Session 1: Character Education
The first session focused on Character Education. Mrs. Gabriella Papne Dancso, a Speech Therapist and WFWP representative in Szeged, Hungary, delivered a speech titled "To be a Woman..." She discussed the need for women and men to understand stereotypes, traditional gender roles and the journey of finding and developing one's true inner self and original identity.

Mr. Josef Gundacker, the Founder of "FAMILYFORUM" in Austria, spoke about the "Principles of True Love and Sexuality." He addressed the dangers of modern sexual education and emphasized the importance of nurturing love within a committed and trustworthy relationship.

PaedDr. et Mgr. Renata Ocilkova, Chairperson of the Slovak Society for the Family and author of The Truth to the Youth, introduced her lectures on the identity of men and women. She highlighted the confusion among young people regarding their identities, exacerbated by social media and gender ideologies, and stressed the importance of parental and educational support during this sensitive period.

Interlude and Session 2: The Women’s Role in Building a Peaceful Society
Before the second session, attendees enjoyed a beautiful piano performance by Ms. Chuyoung Song, a student at the Liszt Academy of Music in Hungary.

The second session centered on "The Women's Role in Building a Peaceful Society." PhDr. Anna Galovicova, Chairman of the Slovak-Indian Friendship Society, delivered a lecture on the Vedic wisdom of "One World, One Family," emphasizing the interconnectedness of all people. She introduced a new educational program, “Science of Spirituality,” being implemented at universities in Slovakia.

Mr. Tibor Darnoi, a Doctor of Holistic Medicine, discussed the “Elevated Feminine Quality.” He highlighted the importance of the feminine principle in achieving harmony and balance in society, drawing on ancient Hungarian philosophy.

Mag. Elisabeth Cook, Former President of WFWP Hungary, spoke about “Dr. Hak Ja Han, an Extraordinary Woman of Our Time - Mother of Peace.” Mrs. Cook recounted Dr. Han’s life journey, her dedication to peace and her numerous initiatives for prosperity and well-being.

The conference was professionally moderated by Mrs. Timea Viragh and included participants from more than 22 national backgrounds. After the conference, attendees enjoyed a traditional Hungarian dinner with music and dance, celebrating the 32nd anniversary of WFWP with a delicious cake and performances of Slovak and Iranian songs and dances.

Conclusion and Sightseeing
The following day, participants enjoyed a well-organized sightseeing tour of Budapest, blessed with sunny weather. The tour covered beautiful parts of the city and famous monuments, followed by a delightful lunch at the hotel. There was time for conversations and individual excursions before everyone returned home safely, enriched with experiences and happy memories of their time in Budapest.

A heartfelt thank you to all organizers, speakers, performers, and participants who contributed to the amazing atmosphere of this event. We look forward to our next meeting.