Launch of Global Women's Peace Network 


SEPTEMBER 14, 2015  

New Zealand

Women's Federation for World Peace New Zealand (NZ) launched the Global Women's Peace Network (GWPN) at the Quality Hotel in Auckland on 14 September 2015.


We were honoured to have WFWP International President Prof. Yeon Ah Moon as the Keynote speaker for the launch. Among the 110 attendees were prominent women leaders, representatives of women groups, representatives of youth groups, Ambassadors for Peace (AFP), guests and friends of WFWP.


The event commenced with welcoming remarks from the MC, Mrs. Ruth Cleaver, a founding member of WFWP NZ. She explained about the founding vision of WFWP and elaborated on the status of WFWP as a NGO in General consultative status with the Economic and Social Council of the UN.

Prior to dinner, grace was offered by WFWP member and AFP, Dame Jane Seccombe. The session started with a beautiful duet from James and Elinora Prentice. This was followed by a video presentation of the activities of WFWP worldwide, including the international inauguration of GWPN in 2012.

Panel speakers focused on the topic, "the Role of Women in the 21st century.Alexis LewGor, National President of NZ Federation of Multicultural Councils, explained her organization is a collective voice for ethnic, migrant and refugee communities. The Federation's primary role is promoting and preserving ethnic customs, languages, religions and cultures throughout NZ. Its challenge is to provide opportunities for people from all segments of NZ's diverse society to address the challenges facing our multicultural communities in the 21st century. Alexis briefly explained that Multicultural NZ supports the role of women in the 21st century and eases the transition from distressed communities to a more diverse and sustainable future by providing forums to help and support women.

Rev. Diane Winder, Interfaith minister and former vice-President of the UN Association of NZ, attended the World Summit in Korea in August 2015 and spoke about her experience. She said: "Women know best how war attacks the fabric of families and communities and what price their families pay. The message coming out of the Summit was that there can be no peace building without an understanding of how women are affected by conflict and the 
approach women use to maintain peace." Diane said that women tend to look at society as a family; they are more likely to dissolve psychological barriers, dismantle dehumanization of the enemy and to understand the position of others. "Women are built to cross lines, to break barriers and build bridges." This year New Zealand has a unique opportunity to bring about positive change from its National Action Plan and from its role on the UN Security Council. In October, the Security Council will convene all member states to review this issue and allow New Zealand to renew its commitment to women's rights and formulate ambitious targets to that end.

The participants enjoyed a heart-warming rendition of Hallelujah sung by three wonderful artists named Liukava FulivaiDavid Williams and Heilala Ikafoli accompanied by the pianist from their band 'Unity.' The song set the atmosphere for Prof. Yeon Ah Moon, President of Women's Federation for World Peace International, to deliver the Keynote address.

Prof. Moon shared with the audience the vision and purpose of the Global Women's Peace Network and how it was founded. She shared her strong conviction that women should play a central role in peace building movements in the 21st century and her wish to provide the motivation and starting point for women to work together to realize a culture of peace in their communities, nations, and the world. She gave some ideas of future connections within networks, thereby pooling the strength of women nationwide to work in collaboration with other women groups. She shared her belief that this time period desperately calls for women who feel responsible for educating and developing each community at the grass root levels to step forward and cooperate to build a world where future generations can live in peace.

The following is an excerpt from Prof. Yeon Ah Moon's speech:

"Peace loving women leaders of New Zealand! This is an age where a woman's viewpoint and input is an important addition to the successful efforts of peace. In 1992, Father and Mother Moon proclaimed 'The Dawning of the Age of Women.' Ever since then they have been educating and supporting women to be leaders to prepare for a century of true peace and happiness. To that end, they initiated the Global Women's Peace Network project in 2012. Women leaders and NGO's are uniting to establish a collaborative foundation for a true culture of peace through service, education and strategies of reconciliation.

In March 2012, WFWP International inaugurated the GWPN International Assembly with 600 women leaders from 33 countries attending in Korea. Since then, GWPN has been launched on different continents around the world in regions which include the Middle East, Europe, the Americas, Asia, the Northeast region centering on Russia and today in New Zealand, Oceania. Oceania has been blessed with such beautiful nature and ocean. I feel it is significant that we are gathered here today as we build solidarity and determine ourselves to establish a future of peaceful communities. Launching GWPN in New Zealand will be a great addition to the cooperation of women worldwide for peace and happiness of all humanity.''

She was offered a bouquet of flowers by the President of WFWP NZ, Mrs. Felicity Cairns.

An introduction of the 'Bridge of Peace Ceremony' was given by WFWP NZ PresidentMrs. Felicity Cairns. Demonstrations were given by Mrs. Miyuki Fyers, representing Japanese culture, and Debra Taylor, representing western culture. The second couple brought together a representative from the Muslim faith, Dr.Rafah Smith, and a representative from the Christian faith, Mrs. Susan Hosokava. This occasion marked the first time many of the participants witnessed or took part in a Bridge of Peace Ceremony, and many found it to be very sincere and powerful.

A beautiful, vibrant dance was performed by the Thai women's group. The performance brought much joy and happiness to the participants.


The closing remarks were given by Mrs. Anne Bellavance, President of WFWP Australia and International Vice -President of WFWP Oceania. She stressed the importance of team work and asked that sisters, women leaders and the GWPN participants work together and support one another in order to bring substantial results and outcomes for the future.

The evening concluded with a beautiful NZ folk song, 'He Honore,' sung by Heilala Ikafoli, Liukava Fulivai and David Williams.

Brisbane, Australia

Bridge of Peace Ceremony in Brisbane



Commemorating 70 Years After World War II

The Bridge of Peace Sisterhood Ceremony to commemorate the 70-year anniversary of the end of World War Two was held at the Premiers' Hall in the Queensland State Parliament in Brisbane. It was hosted by Women's Federation for World Peace Queensland (WFWPQ) and the National Council of Women of Queensland (NCWQ).


The program started with an Acknowledgment of Country by Aunty Peggy Tidyman, President of Logan Elders. MC Anne Bellavance, President of WFWP Australia, introduced the history and background of the Bridge of Peace Sisterhood Ceremony.

Noela O'Donnell, President of NCWQ, welcomed all the participants as a host.

This event was elevated by dignitaries from the highest office in the state, the Governor of Queensland, and international guests, the President of WFWP International Professor Yeon Ah Moon and 19 WFWP Japan delegates.

The MC invited the Governor of Queensland, His Excellency the Honourable Paul de Jersey AC, to give his greetings. The Governor congratulated the sponsors for this historic event and commended the work of NCWQ and WFWP.

Professor Yeon Ah Moon gave greetings as the president of WFWP International. She said we need to 'forgive, love and unite' in order to bring lasting peace in the world.

Mrs Oizumi, former MP of the National Parliament of Japan, gave greetings as a representative of WFWP Japan's 19 delegates, saying that Japan and Australia can reconcile the past of World War Two and develop a truly deeper friendship through today's ceremony.

For the ceremony itself, the participants stood up from their tables and eagerly lined up, 19 WFWP Japan delegates on the left and 19 Australian women on the right. Pair by pair they walked up to the stage, each crossing the stage to greet her new sister with a Japanese bow and a Western hug. Each pair then walked through a beautiful arch, representing the Bridge of Peace, decorated with cherry blossoms and hibiscus. After everyone had returned to the tables, each pair signed a Sisterhood Pledge and everyone read it aloud in unison.

There was time for matched pairs and guests to get to know each other over a wonderful lunch.

To entertain everyone Ms. Junko Thomson performed Odori, a Japanese traditional dance.

Following lunch and entertainment, Mamiko Rattley, President of WFWP Queensland, spoke about the background and significance of the Bridge of Peace Ceremony as a WFWP signature project and why the chapter decided to organise it in Melbourne. She expressed her gratitude that this beautiful, historic event could be supported by the Governor, NCWQ, WFWP International President, WFWP Japan delegates and many accomplished women leaders of Brisbane. She especially thanked co-host NCWQ and the four organisations, WFWP International & Japan, UPF and the City of Brisbane, which sponsored the event.

Then a song, "Find the cost of Freedom," was sung by Signature.

To conclude the program Noela O'Donell gave an Acknowledgement of Service and we listened to one verse each of the Japanese and Australian anthem.

At the end all sang Let There Be Peace on Earth together while accompanied by Japanese singer and mandolin player Kiyomi Sakai.

All participants had an unforgettably beautiful experience at this Bridge of Peace Sisterhood Ceremony. We hope this event will help to ease painful past relationship between Australia and Japan which arose out of their experience in World War II.

We pray that world peace can truly be realised through us women.

If the women of the world can be sisters, the men of the world can't fight a war

Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, WFWP Founder

Melbourne, Australia

UN International Day of Peace Conference in Melbourne



Peace Building in the Asia Pacific Rim

Melbourne sunshine, energy and the warmth of friendship made a perfect combination for the 'Peace Building in the Asia Pacific Rim' conference on September 19th, commemorating the UN International Day of Peace. The co-hosts for the conference were the Universal Peace Federation (UPF) and the Women's Federation for World Peace (WFWP). This year's UN theme, "Partnerships for Peace - Dignity for All," aimed to highlight the importance of all segments of society working together to strive for peace.


The work of the United Nations would not be possible without the initial partnerships that were active in its creation and the thousands of partnerships that form each year between governments, civil society, the private sector, faith-based groups and other non-governmental organizations that are needed to support the Organization in achieving its goals. WFWP, an NGO with General Consultative Status with ESOCOC, works to support the UN's 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and is active in building Partnerships for Peace within each of WFWPs 120 national chapters.  WFWP International is actively working to support the following six of the seventeen SDGs: ending poverty in all its forms everywhere; achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls; reduce inequality within and among countries; make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable; promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development; and, protect, restore and promote sustainable use of ecosystems

Mayor Sean O'Reilly warmly welcomed the capacity crowd of 195 dignitaries, community leaders and participants to the City of Dandenong. Jenny Funston shared with us the vision of the World Peace Prayer Society and guided us through 'May Peace Prevail on Earth'. Dr. Mimmie Watts, Patron of WFWP Victoria, introduced our Key Note Speaker, Professor Yeon Ah Moon, president of WFWP International. Prof. Moon's address focused on the theme of 'living for the sake of others', which is the underlying philosophy behind WFWP International. She emphasised that harmony between communities and nations is only possible when it is first realised within oneself and one's family. As the family is the starting point of world peace, she emphasised that the role of women in creating peace within the family is pivotal and lasting solutions to our social problems can only be achieved when true partnerships between men and women are achieved in all levels of society.

During the morning tea break we were uplifted with beautiful music from the New Covenant Samoan Choir, who shared their Samoan dancing and songs. The break-out sessions provided an opportunity for participants to learn about the newly formed Victorian Peace Council spearheaded by UPF in Victoria. Please see the separate report for this session. A discussion on the 'Dignity of Women Project' was emceed by Dr. Jacinta Morea and allowed those in attendance to participate in the launch of this initiative in Australia. Anne Bellavance, WFWP national president, presented a historical overview of the European Dignity of Women project and outlined the mission, philosophy and outcomes of this project throughout Europe from 2002 until the present. A panel session allowed brief explorations of dignity from three very different cultural perspectives.

Dr. Mimmie Watts, a new Australian from Cameroon, shared how women in her community are the heads of the household. What many Australians are unaware of, she shared, is that coming to Australia poses a severe challenge to the family structure of new African Australians. Upon arrival, often it is the women who first find employment as caretakers, cleaners or retail associates. When the men are not able to fulfil their traditional role as providers for the family they easily become depressed, and this puts pressure on the family. Children pick up English easily but often cannot get adequate homework support at home due to their parent's lower level of English. This further exacerbates the transitional difficulties. In Australia, immigrant women are able to feel empowered, but for the first few years they also carry the burden of being the only source of income until their men are re-skilled. Mimmie emphasised the importance of education for empowering new African Australian families. Education and gender equality is the cornerstone for women everywhere to receive the equal treatment and dignity which they desire and deserve. Treating all women equally, with equal opportunities irrespective of their status in society, is part of that dignity. Mothers and the wider community have a shared responsibility to treat both males and females equally within their families. This will enable sons, as they grow, to treat women as equals, with dignity and respect.

Zakia Baig, from the Australian Hazara Women's Friendship Network, spoke about women in her Moslem community in Pakistan and Afghanistan. She shared how her community is persecuted in their home of origin and how men and women do not have equal rights within society. Zakia then expressed gratitude to the Australian people for welcoming the Hazara community so openly and for giving women in her community the opportunity to feel more empowered to express themselves and find employment.

Irene Anani, an expert on 'Character Education,' highlighted women's dignity from the Australian point of view. She explained that family violence is very real in Australian society, where 97% of all police reports involve violence towards women by men. Additionally, this violence occurs most often from a known partner. Following the panel presentations, the floor was opened up for discussion from the audience in order to gain feedback on how the 'Dignity of Women' project could be used as an effective tool within the Australian society. Unfortunately, time ran out and the discussion had to conclude just as the audience was warming up. The session concluded with a promise to have another session soon which will allow this exploration to be developed.   


Releasing the 'Doves for Peace' took everyone outside to Hemmings Park, where an excited crowd gathered around the homing pigeons ready to be released. John Hurley introduced the doves to lucky participants and demonstrated how to hold and release them. John's granddaughter, Jasmine, gave the children an opportunity to release their own doves and showed them how to release the basket cover all together. With excitement, the conference participants watched the doves fly off one by one.

After a vegetarian lunch banquet, soulful classical Chinese music was performed by the New Eastern Arts College orchestra. Jennifer Xu is the school's principal and founder. Jennifer specialises in the Chinese sitar and wanted to bring these beautiful traditional sounds & instruments to the public. The orchestra is one of our valued partners; students dressed in traditional costume dazzled and brought joy to everyone.

The 'Bridge of Peace' moved hearts and gave participants a real and empowering way to create personal bridges of reconciliation and healing with their new sister or brother. It gave an opportunity to connect in heart with someone from a different cultural background, heal wounds of the past, build lasting friendships and resolve conflict and strife that may be passed on from generation to generation. It is one of the signature projects of WFWP International and was a highlight of the conference. Both women and men had the opportunity to demonstrate their new bonds of friendship by passing under the beautiful Jewish Arch that served as the bridge and greeting each other with an Oriental bow of respect and a western hug. Participants were encouraged to get to know each other during the day and to meet up after the conference.

The final session of the day was workshops. The young MCs, Kosina Hanson and Jessica Greenall, kept the two workshops upbeat. Dr. Mimmie Watts gave a brief presentation on 'Migrant Women, Culture and Contraception'. The focus was on contraception as an empowerment tool but also as a peace tool in a family unit. However, contraception can be a source of conflict if not properly negotiated by the couple. Participants then divided into two groups and each table had the opportunity to discuss four questions on the use of contraception. Feedback from the audience was then received. Afterwards, Mimmie read out and answered three anonymous questions pulled out from a box from which participants had previously written private questions to her on the subject.  

Rick McInerheney is the director of Love Skills, which is a provider of relationship skills programs, and is an authorised trainer of 'Mastering the Mysteries of Love' (MML). Rick presented a before and after video clip of a couple communicating about their feelings. Participants were amazed to see what a difference skill training in empathetic listening made for the couple. Rick then explained about the MML program and how too often in a relationship we are present but we do not really listen to each other. In pairs, participants then had the opportunity to practice this newly learned sounding back skill as they shared a childhood memory with each other. Volunteers then gave feedback to the audience about what was experienced and felt in their pair.

Dominican Republic

4th WFWPI Regional Assembly of the Global Women's Peace Network


NOVEMBER 8, 2015  

Caribbean and Central American Region


On Sunday, November 8, 2015, a diverse group gathered in the Dominican Republic for the 4th WFWPI Regional Assembly of the Global Women's Peace Network for the Caribbean and Central American Region. The gathering took place at Club Del Legislador in Santo Domingo Este, the provincial capital of the Santo Domingo province in the Dominican Republic. In attendance were 179 participants representing nine nations. In addition to Caribbean, Central and South American representatives from Costa Rica, Cuba, Haiti, Peru, Trinidad & Tobago, Venezuela and the Dominican Republic, there were also participants from the US and Japan. The event drew three congresswomen, 12 NGO leaders, professors, international WFWP leaders and government officials. 

The 4th Regional Assembly began at 9 AM and opened with a prayer and the Dominican Republic national anthem. Professor Diana Contrera, President of WFWP Dominican Republic, gave the welcoming remarks.


The opening remarks were followed by congratulatory messages by congresswoman Karen Ricardo and Special Envoy of FFWPU for Dominican Republic, Reverend Dae Hee Hong. The following two speakers shared about their experiences at the Third World Summit held in South Korea in August of this year. The first speaker was Ms. Maritza Jorge, who read a speech prepared by Senator Amarilis Santana, who attended the summit in Korea. The second speaker, Mrs. Henny Espejo, gave an emotional report of her experience in Korea. Following her talk, Mrs. Espejo was presented with an Ambassador for Peace certificate by representatives from FFWPU, UPF and WFWP.


After adjourning for a coffee break, the group gathered back to hear the Deputy Director of the UN Office and the international vice president of WFWPI, Mrs. Alexa Ward, read an address by Professor Yeon Ah Moon, the international president of WFWPI. Mrs. Ward continued with a presentation on the United Nations. She clarified WFWPI's status within the UN and shared about the activities which each of the three WFWPI offices in New York, Vienna and Geneva have been doing over the last three years in support of the UN goals. 

The morning session concluded with a presentation by congresswoman Guadalupe Valdez. Her presentation covered the topic, "Women and Education." The group then broke for lunch. During lunch, a youth group performed a Dominican folk dance.


The first speaker after lunch was Professor Lesbia Canova from Cuba. She gave a report on the state of education and character education in Cuba. Prof. Canova's report was succeeded by reports from the WFWP presidents from Peru, Costa Rica and Trinidad & Tobago.


The last speaker of the day was Professor Iruma Nicacio. Prof. Nicacio is the adviser of gender equality for the government. She spoke about the development of the rights of women in the political sphere.


The last activity in the packed schedule was a breakout session. Participants joined one of three small groups which covered the themes of politics, education and NGOs, respectively. Participants discussed the topic and the group leader from each small group gave a summary of the discussion to the whole conference. 

The event concluded around 6 PM with a dance number by a youth group and a few songs by singer Alicia Baroni. During Baroni's encore merengue, the audience rose to their feet and danced along.

World Summit

Women, the Family and Peace


AUGUST 27 - 31, 2015 - SEOUL, KOREA  

Third World Summit 2015


The Third World Summit was held at the Intercontinental Grand Seoul Parnas Hotel, in Seoul, Korea, August 27 - 31, 2015 and was sponsored by Universal Peace Federation (UPF) in association with the Sunhak Peace Prize Committee. Plenary Session VI, with the theme, "Women, Family and Peace," was held on August 29, and was organized in cooperation with the Women's Federation for World Peace, International (WFWPI), a co-sponsor of the Summit. This session was chaired by Ms. Alexa Ward, a vice president of WFWPI and deputy director of the UN Office. 

Women leaders from various nations offered their thoughts on the role, responsibility and capacities of women to contribute to peace, human flourishing and mutual prosperity for all people. In particular, the significance of the family as an instrument of peace and global prosperity was emphasized. 


Professor Yeon Ah Moon, the president of WFWPI, spoke about the importance of "creating a peaceful society and environment for the sake of the future happiness of all humankind." We are in an age when the views of women are being increasingly appreciated and welcomed, particularly with regard to peace-building," she said. The founders of UPF proclaimed "The Coming of the Age of Women" in 1992 and invested in numerous programs to educate and support women "to be leaders for a century of true peace and happiness." 

She quoted Dr. Sun Myung Moon on the role of women centering on the family: "Peace must first be realized in the individual and in the family, because these form the basis for all human organizations and systems." Professor Moon spoke about the activities of WFWP, which include the true family movement and pure love youth education. "Participation by women is needed in all aspects of society, from diplomacy and politics to the economy and legal system reform," Professor Moon said. "Women need to be active in education and culture, in sports and the arts, not to mention the diverse activities of NGOs." In closing, she emphasized the need to encourage and foster the practice of living for the sake of others. 


Dr. Emilia Alfaro Franco, Senator, Paraguay, reported on the status of women in Paraguay, beginning with a historical analysis. Women have helped to protect and create the nation, Senator Franco said. Women have worked in the fields, the factories, and in all areas of society. Since 1950, the population in Paraguay has quadrupled. Senator Franco spoke about the difference in the number of children born in rural areas and urban areas. 

More than half of Paraguayan women who work in the urban sector are located in only three occupational categories: self-employed worker (34.8 percent), domestic worker (16.1 percent) and unpaid family worker (6.2 percent). The educational situation of Paraguayan women in general has improved in the last decade, although there are still significant problems, mainly in rural areas. Today women are taking major roles in the country and supporting the development of democracy. The current minister of defense and the minister of labor are women. The participation of women in the exercise of power and decision-making in the Paraguayan Parliament (2013-2018) is as follows: Chamber of Deputies: (12/80 in total) and the Senate: (9/45 in total). 


Ambassador Haruko Hirose, former ambassador to Morocco, Japan, spoke on "Women, the Family and Peace," from the perspective of a Japanese woman. Ambassador Hirose praised the WFWP for "fostering solidarity among women around the world." In the aftermath of World War II, the Japanese people, particularly women, learned to appreciate the value of peace, she said. Although the world has advanced in terms of economics, health, life expectancy, etc., many nations suffer from the effects of hostilities and other tragedies. Women and children, said the ambassador, are innocent victims. Today in Japan, more women choose to work outside the home, seeking economic independence, but since women's salaries, on the average, are lower than those of men, they're more likely to succumb to financial difficulties, which creates implications for child care, education, and housing. Another big problem for Japan is its aging society. In 2014, the percentage of people over the age of 65 was 25.9 percent of the population, and it is forecast that this will rise to 33.4 percent by 2035. 

These facts create two major difficulties for women. First, responsibility to care for the elderly is traditionally the role of women. Second, as the life expectancy of women is longer than that of men, women often are left alone, poor and without means of support. Ambassador Hirose referred to her own experience at UNESCO. The preamble to the constitution of UNESCO declares: "Since wars begin in the minds of men, it is in the minds of men that the defenses of peace must be constructed." Hence, the importance of securing the role of women and the family, since the mother is instrumental in raising children as well as being the center of the family. "A happy family is the best place for raising children as well as for maintaining social security," she said. Education is also a key to national development. "We need to bear in mind that we are citizens of the world: We must learn not only to be good citizens of our own country but also to be good citizens of the world. I believe this will help to nurture mutual understanding and build peace, and in that sense the solidarity of women will make a significant change." 


Madam Adi Koila Nailatikau, the first lady of Fiji, recalled the words of the late Dr. Sun Myung Moon, who said: "If we have not achieved peace, it is because people forget its most fundamental aspect. Before we talk about peace among nations, we must settle our peace with God." She spoke about the importance of the family, where children learn the rules of conduct, including cooperation, truthfulness, love and caring and "where we equip them with their compasses, charts and suitable provisions for their voyage" to be good citizens. Women hold a special place in the family. They are the foundation upon which the nation is built. Without a secure foundation, she said, it eventually will fall.  "The last 20 years have seen Fiji remove all vestiges of discrimination against gender from laws and policies, but it is something that is still slowly being enforced in my country and region," she said.


Dr. Rima Salah is a member of the U.N. High-Level Independent Panel on Peace Operations, which was created by Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon in October 2014 to review U.N. Peace Operations. It also reviewed issues relating to women and peace and security. In her experience, she said, women are often not represented and consulted in U.N. assessments. "Today a historic 60 million people, mainly women and children, suffer the fate of internal displacement or being refugees abroad. In addition to indiscriminate killings, appalling abuses are perpetrated against civilians in the midst of today's armed conflict. Sexual violence remains a pervasive tactic of modern war; women and girls are subject to mass abductions, as well as forced conversion, marriage and sexual slavery," she said. However, there is a "growing body of evidence that participation of women in all aspects of peacemaking, peacekeeping and peace-building has a tangible impact on human security and on peace and security in general." Despite progress in the status of women, "there are still significant implementation gaps that need to be addressed, and the vision of [U.N.] Resolution 1325 [which calls for the adoption of a gender perspective to consider the special needs of women and girls during conflict] remains only partially realized. Dr. Salah called for a shift in the U.N. peace operations to encourage a transformative shift to elevate women in the peace and security agenda. 


Mrs. Judith Karp, former deputy attorney general, Israel, and former deputy chair and member of the U.N. Committee on the Rights of the Child, spoke on "The Gender Perspective of Peacemaking." She said, "Women around the world share common perspectives that emanate from their experiences as women. Women share sensitivity to injustices and sufferings stemming from the history of injustice toward them as women." She said that women have an inherent nature that predisposes them to "favor peaceful solutions and peaceful actions." Mrs. Karp relayed the Bible story about the five daughters of Zelophehad, who, after their father died, petitioned Moses to allow them to receive their father's inheritance since he had no sons to carry on his name. Moses agreed and a precedent was created-the first law of inheritance for women. Mrs. Karp said the underlying reason for this ruling was because "the daughters were united and stood together in their fight." 

Mrs. Karp then referred to U.N. Security Council Resolution No. 1325, "On Women, Peace and Security" (2000), which "focuses on giving women their own voices in peace processes based on universal rights." The resolution brings out the gender perspective which, according to Mrs. Karp, represents a new approach to peace-a "feminized concept of peace." Historically men have interpreted peace as the absence of hostilities and war, but women "interpret peace in terms more sensitive to the need of ensuring personal security as well as familial and communal well-being." She said, "Peace for women is not just the lack of war but also an ongoing process of building, development and infrastructure necessary for sustainable peace." Women "tend to look at society as a family." 

South Korea

Global Women's Peace Network

SPRING 2014  

WFWP Korea

Global Women's Peace Network

The Global Women's Peace Network (GWPN) was established to help build a world of interdependence, mutual prosperity and universally shared values. With the motto, One Family under God, women from around the world are coming together to build a network, share wisdom and information, and put these ideals into action.

SG Ban Ki-Moon Visit

Visit to UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon's Official Residence


WFWP Korea

Visit to UN Secretary General Ban ki Moon's Official Residence

In 1997, WFWP was approved as an NGO in General Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations. Since then, volunteer members have been working hard throughout the world to help realize the UN MDGs. 

In 2012, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon invited WFWP Founder, Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon to his official residence.