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GWPN Forum: DMZ Peace Park: Creating Bridges for a Unified Korea

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We invite you to a special virtual seminar, the third international Global Women’s Peace Network forum, where speakers will be presenting and discussing these exiting plans and their potential for contributing to efforts for peace on the peninsula. “DMZ Peace Park: Creating Bridges for a Unified Korea” will take place on Tuesday, June 7 at 9:00 pm eastern. The principal language of the program will be in Korean, with live interpretation available in English and Japanese.

Did you know that the demilitarized zone (DMZ) between North and South Korea remains one of the most heavily fortified boundaries in the world? In this 250-km-long stretch of land, heavy artillery and vast expanses of pristine wildlife exist side-by-side.

Despite the ups and downs in inter-Korean relations, many have put forth proposals to transform the DMZ into a peace park. Rather than a place of military posturing and escalation, the DMZ could be a place of peace and conservation—a collaborative project which can be a hopeful step toward peaceful reunification of these two nations. One such ambitious DMZ Peace Park proposal which is gaining real support comes from WFWP Founder, Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon.

A peaceful reunification of the Korean peninsula is especially close to the hearts of WFWP Co-Founders, Dr. Sun Myung Moon and Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon. Having both been born in what is now North Korea, they have passionately pursued unique solutions to bring together their divided homeland, as a substantial vision of hope to the world.

We greatly hope you will take part in this meaningful event as an impetus for positive change. To further spread aspirations for peace, consider sharing this invitation with those in your community.

- Women’s Federation for World Peace USA