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Heart´s Intelligence and Role in Spiritual Life for Couples

Date: March 22, 29; April 5, 12, 19, 26

Time: 8 PM KST (11 AM GMT)


Want to learn how to live happier and healthier with your life partner but not sure where to begin?

Join the free, 90-minute session “Heart´s Intelligence and Role in Spiritual Life for Couples” with professional therapist Dr. Isabel Costa


1 session - Intimacy and Sexual Life

●      communication issues

●      physical challenges

●      how to improve the relationship on all levels

2 session - Relationship with Teenagers. Relationship between sisters. Feminine Leadership

3 session - Work with Mirror. Overcoming Challenges

4 session - Work with Inner Child and Inner Shadow

5 session - 8 Points of Healthy Lifestyle. Fundamentals of Healthy Nutrition

6 session - Microbioma. Food and Emotions. Cravings. Intuition and Nutrition

Dr. Isabel Costa is the Ambassador of Peace of the WFWP since 2011. She graduated in Naturopathy from Escola Superior de Biologia e Saúde (Portugal) and in Hypnotherapy by IACT (USA). Dr. Costa is the author of 2 books on healthy eating and co-organizer of the Multidisciplinary Congress (in partnership with ComMedida) on Healthy Eating with 1 or 2 annual editions bringing together professionals from various areas of health and the country for 6 years. She is the creator and trainer of the Holistic Nutrition Course, teaching at the Institute of Traditional Medicine since 2014. Dr. Costa is a postgraduate in "People’s Management and Organizational Happiness" by Universidade Atlântica. Currently, she is a Happiness Consultant at the individual level (through consultations) and in groups (through online training), and at the organizational level. From the age of 10 began a spiritual search until the age of 18 when shortly afterward she became a member of the Unification Church, living in several western and eastern countries.



Welcome to the Women’s Federation for World Peace International Educational Online Courses.

As an international NGO, we provide accessible education to people in need. We believe education is a very important factor in engaging and beneficial for people everywhere, and we currently offer various programs across a wide range of fields.

Admission is normally made on a first-come, first-served basis.
Successful applicants will be notified of the result as soon as possible after the closing date for application.
Applicants are normally required to have reached the age of 18.

We will send you the confirmation email once your application is successful.


*WFWPI reserves the right to cancel a course or a program in cases of insufficient enrolment or unforeseen difficulties arising from running the course. In such circumstances, the notification email will be sent.