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Korea DMZ Incubator : Co-Designing a Space for Women, Peace and the Environment in the Korean DMZ

This project seeks to engage actors and stakeholders in the visioning of a new future in, and across the Demilitarized Zone of Korea, through the creation of a physical and virtual space to bring together women and youth working towards Peace and shared prosperity in Korea and worldwide. The goal is to go beyond the political, physical and mental barriers to reconciliation and development through the envisioning of a landscape for Korean women from North and South to meet, as well as an international hub for Women, Peace and the Environment

Join our parallel event organized by WUNRN and WFWPI to engage in dialogue and discussions on the same at the NGO CSW Forum 2022. This will be held on March 17, 12 PM EDT / 5 PM CET.


Earlier Event: March 16
Climate Change and Women
Later Event: March 21
Building Bridges