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Preparation Meeting for SDGs Action, Women's Rights and Right to Development

Sponsored by the Women's Federation for World Peace International, UN Office Geneva

With the support of the NGO CSW Geneva

26th of October 14.00 pm CET to 16.00 pm CET


Dear Members of the NGO Committees, UN ECOSOC Organisation members and UN Representatives,


The SDGs have fallen back hard due to the pandemic and, in some areas, it has become increasingly difficult to achieve them if a human rights-based approach is not applied.


The Right to Development provides a significant mechanism to achieve the SDGs and promote women's rights, however, unfortunately civil society groups have not been equipped with the right technical knowledge of the agenda. This ongoing, historic process to draft a legally binding Covenant is taking place in Geneva and NGO CSW has been present over the last two years, advocating for partnership and issues, and delivering oral statements through WFWPI. Our NGO CSW youth liaison, Srruthi Lehka is part of the staff of the “Intergovernmental Working Group on the Right to Development”.


We invite you to take part in the preparation meeting online, to discuss and exchange expertise. Youth and interns are also very welcome. Please share widely

Background documents.




  • A more comprehensive understanding of development

  • Development as a human right - What is Right to Development?,

  • Gender and the Right to Development

  • The Declaration on the Right to Development - History, principles and way forward

  • Right holders and Duty Bearers - Importance of participation and good development policies for the protection of human rights.

  • Practical understanding of the Right to Development using examples and issues of concerns. Briefly address the relationship between the SDGs and the RTD.

  • Importance of Civil Society ( CSO) Engagement and advocacy for the RTD

  • CSO engagement in the Intergovernmental Working Group process,

    • the Legally Binding Instrument,

    • Building a Strategy on advocating women's rights with the RTD Agenda

Please register in the following link by the 20th of October for participation :