31st Commission of Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice (CCPCJ 31)
Side Event – virtual, May 20, 2022, 13:10 - 14:00 CET
Here are two links to participate
An International Call for “Comprehensive strategies for crime prevention towards social and economic development” (Working paper at 14th Crime Congress)
P r o g r a m m e
Dr. Maria RIEHL, Director WFWP UN Office - Vienna
Opening remarks:
HE: Ms. Irene Susan NATIVIDAD, Chargé d`Affaires of the Philippine Embassy Mrs. Sokneang SIM, Second Secretary of Royal Embassy of Cambodia
Ms Kyung In Van de Ven OLIVEIRA, WFWP UN Vienna Office
Mr. Patrick ERLANDSON, Founder & Director of FATHER – CON. After conversations with numerous survivors of exploitation, the critical link was missing, abusive, distracted fathers creating vulnerability and entitlement in their children (https://www.father-con.org/)
Dr. Aala El KHANI, Humanitarian Psychologist; International Consultant; Drug Prevention and Health Branch, UNODC: innovative research on families and parenting support.
Mrs. Grace MAYO, President WFWP Philippines, public school teacher, “Domestic Peace Education” - a pilot project to strengthen Filipino families towards a peaceful nation and to uplift women as peacemakers.
Mrs.Yuka TAKAHASHI, President WFWP Cambodia: “Healthy Family Education”, strengthening the Role of Parents and Youth resilience for their healthy development.
Closing remarks:
Mrs. Carolyn HANDSCHIN, President NGO CSW Geneva, Director WFWPI UN Office International