CSW56 Priority Theme: The empowerment of rural women and their role in poverty and hunger eradication, development and current challenges New York, UN NewsStudio EliasNovember 30, 2018CSW Conferences, Summary Reports
CSW51 Priority Theme: The elimination of all forms of discrimination and violence against the girl child New York, UN NewsStudio EliasNovember 30, 2018CSW Conferences, Summary Reports
Fostering Hope for Rural Women and Girls New York, UN NewsStudio EliasMarch 29, 2018rural women, IOM, WFWPI
Peacemakers & Bridgebuilders UN News, New YorkStudio EliasDecember 7, 2017international year of the family, peacemakers, university of bridgeport
Intergenerational Dialogues on the Sustainable Development Goals New York, UN NewsStudio EliasAugust 1, 2017
Sexual Rights of Women & Girls UN News, GenevaStudio EliasJune 12, 2017UN, human rights, sustainable development
Social Exclusion in Schools Vienna, UN NewsStudio EliasMay 24, 2017ACUNS, WFWP, Austria, Together Austria, EMS
Zero Tolerance to FGM Vienna, UN NewsStudio EliasMarch 27, 2017UN, FGM, WFWP, Vienna Global citizen education conference
HRC34 & Angelina Jolie UN News, GenevaStudio EliasMarch 15, 2017Angelina Jolie, UN, Sergio Vieira de Mello
Young Adult Speaks @ CSW61 New York, UN News, CSW ConferencesStudio EliasMarch 15, 2017WFWP, Heram, armenian convention center
CSW61 Parallel Event New York, UN News, CSW ConferencesStudio EliasMarch 13, 2017community church of new york