Africa, Zambia - Nutrition Guidance
Delivering Soy Powders and Eggs
In 1994, WFWP began to supply soy flour to malnourished children under age five who weigh less than average during a regular checkup in the clinics and has held nutrition guidance classes for mothers at the clinics in Lusaka city in cooperation with local doctors and nurses. During the classes, WFWP provides a supply of soy flour for two weeks (1kg) and instructs on how to make porridge and feed the children at home. The porridge helps children to bring the weight up to the standard level. The mothers and children can graduate from the class when the children attain the standard weight. Moreover, mothers are trained to assist the program as “Nutrition Promoters,” and have been offered to attend sewing classes to promote economic independence.
New Developments:
A government nutritionist had procured and donated peanut powdered sweets.
In 2017 a member of the Embassy of Japan in Zambia visited the nutrition guidance class and donated 200,000 yen worth of soy flour.
Local farms had donated 4,800 eggs each month for the children who participated in nutrition guidance classes.
WFWP Zambia made approach books to visit the local organizations and collect donations to cover a part of the operating costs for classes.