First Anniversary of the World Clergy Leadership Conference (WCLC): WCLC Convocation & Rally of Hope
“Our mission [as leaders of clergy] is to embrace our nations and the world with true love.”

December 2020 marks the first anniversary of the World Clergy Leadership Conference (WCLC). Since its inauguration, WCLC had attracted hundreds of faith leaders from various religions with the message to set aside differences and unite as “One Family Under God.”
In commemoration of its one year anniversary, the WCLC Convocation took place from December 4 to 5, which included four convocations and concluded with a Rally of Hope. Viewers from all over the world tuned in to hear special speakers discuss topics such as “The Meaning of a Heavenly Unified World,” “The Family as the Cornerstone of Peace,” and “The Role of Clergy in Peace and the Reunification of the Korean Peninsula.”
The Rally of Hope was held on December 5, under the theme “The Realization of a Heavenly Unified World: Interdependence, Mutual Prosperity and Universal Values.” The Rally was co-sponsored by WCLC and the Universal Peace Federation (UPF). UPF and WFWPI were both co-founded by Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon and her late husband, Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon.
This international Rally attracted over one million viewers and gathered distinguished spiritual leaders from various corners of the world, including Ecuador, Dominica, South Africa, and the United States. The Keynote address was given by Dr. Moon, affectionately known as the “Mother of Peace.” Dr. Moon spoke on the importance of overcoming individualism, and uniting under God, humanity’s Heavenly parent.
One of six keynote speakers, Pastor Paula White (Paula White Ministries and Spiritual Advisor to President Donald Trump) read a powerful excerpt about the Korean independence movement from the Mother of Peace (Dr. Moon’s memoir), and reassured Mother Moon that “together with you, America and Christianity will support Korea coming back together.”
Bishop Noel Jones (Senior Pastor, City of Refuge), emphasized the need for us to practice true love in our daily lives, especially in a time of hot political turmoil. This is crucial if we want to see true change come about. Bishop Jones quoted Rev. Moon, saying “through true love, by which we sacrifice ourselves in order to live for others, we can find the solutions to such problems.” Love must be practiced towards all people, on both sides of the political divide.
His Eminence Cardinal Kelvin Felix (Archbishop of Castries), spoke on the crucial role that spiritual leaders have in healing the world. He stated “more than ever the wisdom and the love of religious leaders are necessary to tackle the problems of poverty, injustice and corruption.”
Throughout the program segments, a pre-recorded performance featuring a 2,000 voice interreligious choir led by Hezekiah Walker was displayed on the screens. The powerful vocals and vibrant spirits of the choir moved the hearts of the audience throughout the Rally.
“There are many religions in our world today. All these faiths have one purpose; they all share the same will to serve and attend the Absolute Being, our Creator.”
-Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon
Keynote Speakers
Click on a speaker to view their speech (provided by