Rally of Hope, an Inspiring Call for Global Unity

At this challenging time, our wish remains the same. Through interdependence, mutual prosperity, and universal values, we wish to realize one family of humanity under the Heavenly Parent. This remains our earnest desire.
— Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon

On August 9, thousands of WFWPI members, friends and guests gathered virtually to watch the Rally of Hope for the Realization of a Heavenly Unified World, sponsored by the International Summit Council for Peace (ISCP), a project of the Universal Peace Federation (UPF).  WFWP has been actively supporting the ISCP through its outreach with the International Association of First Ladies for Peace (IAFLP) and work with other top women leaders, drawing from their experience and wisdom as decisive contributors to reconciliation, peace building, reconstruction and development in the wider society and world. WFWP and UPF were both co-founded by Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon alongside her husband, Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon.

This global event brought thousands of world leaders together in search of a shared culture of ‘interdependence, mutual prosperity and universal values.’ More than one million people from 194 nations attended the event live, and millions more watched through the more than 70 television networks around the world that broadcasted the event. This rally was the first of six world level virtual events that are planned for this year.

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A special message was delivered by Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon. The following is the account prepared by UPF in their report on the rally:

At the outset, [Dr. Moon] greeted all the dignitaries, whom she had met personally at national, regional or world summits over the last few years. She also welcomed the virtual guests, saying that she has waited for a long time to see everyone. “Human history,” Dr. Moon began, “has been a history of continuous struggle, which has caused both the suffering of human beings, as well as the suffering of God, our Creator and Loving Parent.”

The animal world lives automatically by the laws of creation, she explained, giving the example of the migrating monarch butterfly flying thousands of miles from Canada to Mexico. Human beings, however, fell at the beginning of human history and lost their relationship with God and His principles. Because of this, history has been a long and arduous path of restoration.

In her unscripted remarks, Dr. Moon paid special attention to the importance of the institutions of marriage and family. She also mentioned that our limited life on Earth is preparation for an eternal life in the spiritual world. The way forward, she narrated, is to understand and live by God’s principles of creation while on earth.

Dr. Moon ended her address by acknowledging that the continued division of Korea is a major obstacle to peace. Known lovingly as Mother Moon, she called on the Korean audience to be models of filial children who attend God in their daily lives and work to realize His providence in their homeland and throughout the world.

The theme of the rally was “Building a heavenly unified world through interdependence, mutual prosperity, and universal values.” On this subject a number of high level leaders from around the world spoke, each giving their own perspective on the agreed upon need for international collaboration in facing COVID-19 and other challenges, for universal values among all cultures, and how they see UPF moving these agendas forward. Each also gave their unique perspective on the work and character of the co-founder of UPF and WFWP, Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, internationally known as the Mother of Peace.

WFWP will be spotlighting some of the speakers over the next two weeks to recognize their insights and reflect on the significance of these Rallies of Hope. It is our hope that this will inspire and empower our audience to join us for the next five rallies and beyond to create a world centered upon interdependence, mutual prosperity and universal values.

Check out our social media and subscribe to our mailing list for the latest information on the next Rally of Hope, taking place in September 2020!