The Role of Women in the World–Working Table (WFWP Italy)

Written by: Elisabetta Nistri

Mrs. Elisabetta Nistri, President of WFWP Italy, has been cooperating for more than a year at the working table on the project "The Role of Women in the World," promoted by Mrs. Mariapia Turiello, which aims to make a global analysis of the situation of Italian and foreign women in the workplace, family and society, to help women learn about the laws and tools they have in order to enforce their rights for the purpose of creating a better society. This project aims to support the achievement of Sustainable Development Goal 5 of the United Nation's 2030 Agenda.

Prestigious speakers gave their contribution to the event by sharing their experience including the President of Female Jurists in Italy, a Pedagogic, a criminologist, the Director of a publishing house, several representatives of Embassies, as well as a parliamentarian.

After the main speakers, Mrs. Turiello invited the participants who are cooperating with the project to share their experiences. Mrs. Nistri, after thanking the speakers and the organization of the event, shared that through her experience with the activities of the WFWP, she met several women who are committed to networking and working for peace, as well as overcoming barriers that usually tend to divide us. She refers to her experience during a WFWP Europe Conference that was held in Albania when they were welcomed in the parliament hall by many parliamentarian ladies. In Albania, more than half of the parliamentarians are women, and compared to other nations, Albania is a very young democratic country. This is because they supported each other even though they were belonging to the opposite party and united as one, they have passed new laws for women's rights.

WFWP Italy is pleased to collaborate and support this project because the female universe is a world that has so much to give. For example, it is proven that in conflict areas, the presence of women at the table of peace treaties favors the realization of more lasting peace. This is because women try to reach a solution that can be agreed by both parties involved, rather than favoring "the right" and penalizing "those who are in the wrong." Women also tend to involve the population in the decisions taken.