WFWP Jordan Hosts Successful Free Medical Day for Community

Written by: Zoe Bennett

On June 6, the Women's Federation for World Peace (WFWP) Jordan organized a free medical day to serve the local community. The event was highly successful in providing comprehensive healthcare to citizens. This free medical day is a crucial step towards building a healthy and aware community, reflecting WFWP's commitment to serving the community and promoting peace through comprehensive healthcare.

The free medical day significantly contributed to raising health awareness among citizens and providing necessary medical support at no cost. This reduced financial burdens on families and improved their overall health. The 85 attendees expressed their gratitude to WFWP and to all the medical staff.

Activities and Services Provided:
1. General Medical Consultations:
Dr. Ahmed Fararjah, a general practitioner, participated in the medical day, offering medical consultations, conducting general check-ups and providing important medical advice and treatment guidelines.

2. Free Blood Analysis:
Jerusalem Laboratories took blood samples from attendees and conducted free medical tests. These tests included blood sugar level, cholesterol, hemoglobin and vitamin levels, helping to diagnose health conditions and provide necessary medical recommendations.

3. Pharmaceutical Services:
Mr. Mohammad Jalelah of the Jalelah Pharmacy distributed necessary medications based on prescriptions provided by Dr. Ahmed Fararjah. This service helped provide immediate treatment to many patients and alleviated their financial burdens.

4. Skin Clinic:
Specialists from the INA Skin Clinic offered consultations and treatments for skin conditions. Advice on skincare was provided, along with samples of therapeutic skincare products, raising awareness about the importance of skincare and health.

At the conclusion of the event, WFWP Jordan presented appreciation plaques to Dr. Ahmed Fararjah and the medical staff in recognition of their contributions. A special appreciation plaque was also awarded to Engineer Roa Abu Diab for her exceptional supervision and organization of the event, which was key to its success.

In the coming months WFWP Jordan aims to: 
1. Continue Organizing Free Health Events: To promote public health and provide necessary medical support to the community on a regular basis.
2. Expand Collaboration with Medical and Pharmaceutical Institutions: To broaden the range of services offered and ensure more citizens benefit from these initiatives.
3. Launch Health Awareness Campaigns: To encourage citizens to undergo regular check-ups and utilize available medical consultations to maintain their health.