WFWP Jordan Offers Sewing Course to Teach Practical and Advanced Skills

Written by: WFWP Jordan

In May, the Women's Federation for World Peace (WFWP) Jordan organized a sewing course aimed at empowering women with both basic and advanced sewing skills. The course was designed to help participants use these skills in their daily lives or as a means of income through work.

The program lasted between one to two weeks and included an average of 5-6 sessions per week. Each session was carefully planned to provide essential knowledge about basic sewing tools and equipment. Participants began by learning fundamental skills such as threading a needle, operating a sewing machine, and cutting fabric. As the course progressed, they were introduced to more advanced techniques, including clothes detailing and embroidery, allowing them to create more intricate and personalized garments.

The women who participated in the course came from diverse age groups and social backgrounds, creating a rich and supportive learning environment. By the end of the program, they were able to complete both simple and complex sewing projects. This hands-on experience equipped them with the skills needed to offer local tailoring services or start their own sewing businesses.

The sewing course not only enhanced the women's technical abilities but also boosted their self-confidence and fostered creativity and innovation in the field of sewing. The initiative by WFWP Jordan reflects its commitment to empowering women through skill development and providing them with opportunities to improve their economic and social status.