Bridge of Peace 2007 What We Do, Healing Reconciliation, Bridge of PeaceStudio EliasDecember 8, 2007france, germany
2006 Switzerland GWPN, MEW Conferences, Past MEW Conferences, Peace NetworkStudio EliasJune 20, 2006Switzerland, UNICEF
2005 Greece Peace Network, Past MEW Conferences, MEW Conferences, GWPNStudio EliasMay 16, 2005Greece, UNICEF, WFWPI
Bridge of Peace at UN NY Bridge of Peace, What We Do, Healing ReconciliationStudio EliasMarch 21, 2005racial discrimination
2004 Switzerland Past MEW Conferences, GWPN, Peace Network, MEW ConferencesStudio EliasMay 9, 2004Switzerland, Geneva, WFWP international