What steps are women taking towards sustainable Peace
Date and Time: Feb 2, 2022, 12:00 PM in Vienna (GMT+1)
Joint session – IAFLP EUME and Korea, UPF and WFWP EUME
The Korean people, on the once unified peninsula, with a common history, culture and language, were left divided following the Korean war armistice agreement. It is about time to reach a sustainable peace, built on trust through innovative civil society and government partnering from the bottom-up. Europe has experience transforming situations of conflict to ones of peace and co-prosperity, and women’s input has been all-important. The WFWPI, supported by the IAFLP, has designed and has been advocating at the United Nations for a women’s peace zone project at the DMZ. This would be a protected and welcoming place where women from North and South could be free to meet to plan and build peace from the bottom up in the pristine and symbolic environment of the untouched DMZ.
Dr. Colette Mazzucelli, Graduate Faculty, NYU New York
H.E. Elsie Christofia, First Lady Cyprus (2008-2013)
Hon. Dr. Maria Cavaco Silva, First Lady, Portugal (2006-2016)
Dr. Anna Grichting, Professor of Architecture and Landscape Urbanism, Switzerland
Hon. Christine Muttonen, President, OECD Parliament (2016 and 2017)
Dr. Heung Soon Park, Professor, Vice President United Nations Association Republic of Korea
Mr. Teson Chon, North Korean Youth Representative, Japan