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Pitch Perfect: Training for NGO Leaders

Oct 2022, WFWPI’s Activate 2022 will bring in an expert to share their story & knowledge with the community. Our special Guest Speaker this Thursday is Michael Haddad, a Pitch Deck expert, a Startup Consultant, a former Amazon SrPM and a top MBA.

Michael has founded (and funded) 2 startups in the last 3 years, advises entrepreneurs on their day-to-day operations, and importantly, helps them scale their companies. Having sat through 200+ pitch meetings with startups and funders, Michael knows exactly what funders are looking for. He knows what will and what won't get you funded and is ready to help you get a firm grip on putting together a pitch-deck that works.

During our discussion with Michael this Thursday, he will train you on creating your perfect pitch! He reviews how to put it together, what is important and why, give examples of what works for donors and investors, and he will provide a pitch deck template for you to customize and use.

We are also excited about opening this segment to our WFWPI friends and colleagues. The workshop is this Thursday October 13, at 9:00 AM Eastern Time (New York time).

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