Women 2000: gender equality, development and peace for the twenty-first century Geneva, WFWPI StatementsWFWP InternationalApril 8, 2024#WFWP_United Nation, #wfwp_un#wfwpi, #WFWPI_UN_Geneva, #WFWP
The Civil Society Shrinking Space Paradox: “The United Nations simply could not do its work without the active engagement of civil society”, Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres WFWPI Statements, GenevaWFWP InternationalApril 7, 2024#WFWPI, #WFWP_United Nation, #wfwp_un#wfwpi, #WFWP
Women 2000: gender equality, development and peace for the twenty-first century Geneva, WFWPI StatementsWFWP InternationalApril 7, 2024#WFWPI, #WFWPI_UN_Geneva, #WFWP_United Nation, #WFWP
WFWPI Advocacy Training New YorkWFWP InternationalApril 2, 2024#WFWPI, #WFWP, #WFWP_United Nation, #WFWP_AdvocateTraining