Afghan Women: Achievements and Setbacks in Contemporary Afghanistan

Written by: Marcia de Abreu Rodrigues

Since the complete withdrawal of the American troops from Afghanistan in August 2021, the situation of loss of human rights for the people in general, and most especially for women, has worsened.

While in the last 20 years women found a space to develop their vital projects and occupy leadership positions in their societies, today they have been displaced and have seen their rights taken away: access to education, to work, to health assistance, to freedom of movement, just to name a few.

This webinar has the purpose of strengthening our awareness of the current situation in Afghanistan and to advocate for the defense of human rights, especially women’s, calling for the attention of the national governments and the international institutions to contribute to the betterment of the women’s living conditions by guaranteeing human security and life sustainability.

Speakers will be reviewing the past and present situations, past achievements and current setbacks from various perspectives, trying to offer positive solutions and calling for international support in order to bring the suggested proposals to their agendas.