WFWPI Virtual Cafe "Beginner’s Guide to Procreate" WFWP NewsWFWP InternationalAugust 29, 2022wfwpi, education
WFWPI Gathering with WFWP Leaders in Korea WFWP NewsWFWP InternationalAugust 29, 2022wfwpi, WFWPI Gathering with WFWP Leaders in Korea
"Color My Heart with Peace" International Children's Art Contest Award Ceremony 2022 WFWP NewsWFWP InternationalAugust 16, 2022color my heart with peace
Dr. Paris Moon, WFWPI International Secretary-General's First visit to WFWP Europe in July WFWP NewsWFWP InternationalAugust 15, 2022UN Geneva, WFWP Europe
CONGRATULATIONS to 2022 CMHWP AWARD WINNERS WFWP NewsWFWP InternationalJuly 27, 2022color my heart with peace
Giving for Good Auction 2022 WFWP NewsWFWP InternationalJuly 18, 2022Environmental, Sustainability, SDGs
WFWPI Virtual Cafe "Introduction to Ikebana" WFWP NewsWFWP InternationalJuly 4, 2022WFWPI Virtual Cafe, education, Ikebana
WFWPI’s 30th Anniversary Celebration WFWP NewsWFWP InternationalMay 9, 2022wfwpi, 30th Anniversary Celebration
WFWPI Virtual Cafe: Spring Fashion and Health WFWP NewsWFWP InternationalMay 2, 2022WFWPI Virtual Cafe, Health
WFWPI General Assembly and WFWPI Special Educational Sessions WFWP NewsWFWP InternationalMarch 14, 2022wfwpi, WFWPI General Assembly
The 3rd COLOR MY HEART WITH PEACE CHILDREN’S ART CONTEST 2022 SUBMISSIONS ARE NOW OPEN! WFWP NewsWFWP InternationalFebruary 24, 2022wfwpi, color my heart with peace
GFGI Climate Action Grant Post-Project Evaluation WFWP NewsWFWP InternationalFebruary 7, 2022wfwpi, UN New York, Environmental, Sustainability
Announcement of Selected Funding Projects WFWP NewsWFWP InternationalJanuary 31, 2022wfwpi, Funding Projects, Humanitarian, Environmental Care
WFWPI Virtual Cafe “Christmas Cookie Baking Class” WFWP NewsWFWP InternationalDecember 20, 2021wfwpi, WFWPI Virtual Cafe
WFWPI Perspectives: Peace and Reconciliation in Conflict Zones WFWP NewsWFWP InternationalDecember 16, 2021wfwpi, Peace and Reconciliation
2021 WFWPI Funding Projects Presentation Session WFWP NewsWFWP InternationalDecember 7, 2021wfwpi, WFWPI FUNDING PROJECT
WFWPI Educational Session "NGO and Marketing" WFWP NewsWFWP InternationalNovember 30, 2021wfwpi, education, NGO and Marketing
30th ANNIVERSARY BOOK PUBLICATION SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES WFWP NewsWFWP InternationalNovember 2, 2021wfwpi, 30th Anniversary Celebration