WFWPI Webinar for Young Professionals: A Global Exchange of Ideas and Expertise WFWP NewsWFWP InternationalSeptember 5, 2024#WFWPI
WFWP Jordan Offers Sewing Course to Teach Practical and Advanced Skills EUMEWFWP InternationalSeptember 5, 2024#WFWPI, #WFWP_Jordan
WFWP Jordan Empowers Women Through Sweets Preparation Training Course EUMEWFWP InternationalSeptember 5, 2024#WFWPI, #WFWP_Jordan
Youth Education: Sense of Ownership in the Society Asia PacificWFWP InternationalSeptember 5, 2024#WFWPI, #wfwp_cambodia
WFWP Jordan Hosts Successful Free Medical Day for Community EUMEWFWP InternationalSeptember 5, 2024#WFWPI, #WFWP_Jordan
WFWPI Webinar on Women Entrepreneurship: A Transformative Dialogue WFWP NewsWFWP InternationalAugust 1, 2024#WFWPI, #WFWP_WomenEntrepreneurship
Connecting with WFWP Leaders Around the World: Insights from Dr. Susan Kone WFWP NewsWFWP InternationalAugust 1, 2024#WFWPI, Connecting with WFWP Leaders
"The Light of Love to Never Stop Glowing" Celebrating 32 Years of Unity: WFWPI Virtual Anniversary Celebration WFWP NewsWFWP InternationalAugust 1, 2024#WFWPI
Exploring the World of Children's Art: WFWPI Virtual Cafe with Ms. Olga Borodkina WFWP NewsWFWP InternationalAugust 1, 2024#WFWPI, #WFWPI_VirtualCafe
WFWP IVPs’ Ethiopia Korean War Memorial Tribute in Chuncheon City WFWP NewsWFWP InternationalJuly 27, 2024#WFWPI
Through Resilience with Love North AmericaWFWP InternationalJuly 27, 2024#Herstory, #WFWPI, #WFWP_USA
7 Day Youth Leadership Training AfricaWFWP InternationalJuly 27, 2024#WFWPI, #WFWP_SouthAfrica, #Youth_project
Fostering Trust and Open Communication Asia PacificWFWP InternationalJuly 4, 2024#WFWPI, #WFWP_AUstralia
Women & Youth Working Together For A More Resilient & Sustainable Future ViennaWFWP InternationalJuly 4, 2024#WFWPI, #WFWP_UN_Office, #WFWP_Vienna
WFWPI Sessions with Dr. Isabel Costa "Inner Healing" WFWP NewsWFWP InternationalJuly 4, 2024#WFWPI, #WFWPI_InnerHealing
Strong Families: An essential support for Healthy Development of Children and Youth Vienna, UN News, Latest NewsWFWP InternationalJuly 4, 2024#WFWPI, #WFWP_UN_Office, #WFWP_Vienna
WFWPI Webinar for Young Professionals "Role of Youth in Family and Society” WFWP NewsWFWP InternationalJune 21, 2024#WFWP_Young_Professional
The World is Yearning for Feminine Character: A WFWP Austria, Slovakia, and Hungary joint conference EUMEWFWP InternationalJune 21, 2024#WFWP_Europe
Online Commemoration of the International Day of Families AfricaWFWP InternationalJune 21, 2024#WFWP_USA, #International_Day_of_Families